At last a good transcription company
Published on October 28, 2003 By wallerstein In Consumer Issues
i am an account exec at a market research firm. We conduct focus groups and interviews that require transcription. We have tested more transcription companies than i can remember and the result has always be appalling: spelling mistakes, bad speaker identification ("male voice" for a female, etc.) and unclear pricing. Recently we have tried the services of a New York company, Ubiqus, and i feel they are the only ones i could recommend. Their transcripts are very accurate and you can tell that they are doing some research to get the nouns right and so fort. Always meet my deadlines. Besides, they charge per hour of recorded material, not per page like most transcription companies (who then fit about 20 words per page, why am i not surprised?).
Check their site
on Feb 22, 2004
Depuis dix ans, Ubiqus rédige des documents professionnels immédiatement exploitables. Notre force réside dans la compréhension de ce qui est dit ou écrit avant de le rédiger dans la langue choisie.

• Les traducteurs et rédacteurs sont des personnes hautement qualifiées qui ne travaillent que vers leur langue maternelle.

• Notre expérience permet d’aborder de nombreux sujets, juridiques, financiers, technologiques...

• Nos capacités de production nous permettent de réaliser des prestations dans des délais courts et ainsi de maximiser l’impact de votre document.

on Aug 03, 2004
It is very risky to use this company. The french branch of the company has recently been involved in a major scandal for providing false records to the financial authorities, for having used illegal workers on a wide range and for having exercized violence against former employees who wanted to go to a court. Moreover, it seems one high-ranking official of the company tried to sell the information he had received during some covered meetings to a competitor. Beware.